Dr Max Schulz

Counsel | Competition | Lawyer since 2018

Phone: +49 211 20052-360
Fax: +49 211 20052-100
Email: m.schulz(at)glademichelwirtz.com

Jennifer Natus

V-Card Dr Max Schulz

Short Profile

Max Schulz is counsel at GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ's COMPETITION practice. He advises German and international clients on issues relating to German and European competition law. His practice focuses on advising cooperations between competitors, antitrust litigation with a view to the abuse of market power as well as national and international merger control proceedings including matters of foreign direct investment control.

Max Schulz studied law at the University of Bonn and the University of Oxford and passed his Legal State Exams in 2013 and 2018. While working on his doctorate thesis between 2013 and 2016, which was supervised by Prof Dr Daniel Zimmer LL.M. (UCLA), Max Schulz was a research assistant at the Institute for Commercial and Business Law at the University of Bonn. His doctorate thesis addresses the relevance of European competition law enforcement for regulatory purposes in the energy sector. The doctorate thesis was sponsored with a scholarship from the "Business and Law Working Group" in the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft.

Max Schulz is a member of the German Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht. Max Schulz is fluent in German and English. 

In his leisure time Max Schulz likes to spend time with his family and friends and enjoys to travel.


Experience and Matters

Max Schulz has advised on the following matters:

  • Representation and advice  of various clients in merger control proceedings before the German Federal Cartel Office and the European Commission, inter alia, in the automotive and telecommunications sector, including matters of foreign direct investment control.
  • Representation of various clients as interested third parties in merger control proceedings before the German Federal Cartel Office and the European Commission, inter alia, in the telecommunications sector.
  • Advice on the design and implementation of distribution systems as well as representation in complaints against unlawful distribution practices, inter alia, with respect to (online) distribution of branded and luxury products.
  • Advice on antitrust law in the field of professional sports including the representation before the German Federal Cartel Office and national courts.
  • Advice on the design and implementation of cooperations between competitors and, in general, the set-up of compliance structures in various industries, inter alia, in the financial sector.
  • Representation in antitrust litigation, inter alia in disputes concerning the enforcement of standard-essential patents in the automotive sector.).


  • Karbaum/Schulz, Antitrust Litigation 2.0 - Die 10. GWB-Novelle als Katalysator des Private Enforcement?, NZKart 2022, 187
  • Karbaum/Schulz, Antitrust Litigation 2.0 - Private Enforcement beim DMA?, NZKart 2022, 107
  • Schulz, Berücksichtigung kooperativen Verhaltens bei der Bußgeldbemessung - Das "neue" Kooperationsverfahren der Europäischen Kommission außerhalb von Kartellfällen, WuW 2020, 178 ff.
  • Karbaum/Schulz, Wirksamer Wettbewerbsschutz im Zeitalter digitaler Ökosysteme, NZKart 2019, 407 ff.
  • Wirtz/Schulz, Innovationswettbewerb in der Fusionskontrolle, NZKart 2019, 20 ff.
  • Karbaum/Schulz, Ecosystems – New challenges for competition law enforcement, European Commission, Public consulation re "shaping competition policy in the era of digitisation", http://ec.europa.eu/competition/scp19/, 2018
  • Schulz, Kartellrecht als "Regulierungsinstrument" – Eine Untersuchung der Kartellrechtsanwendung durch die Europäische Kommission im Energiesektor unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zusagenentscheidung nach Art. 9 VO 1/2003, Dissertation, 2018
  • Dompke/Schulz, Grundzüge des Kartellrechts – Teil 2: Missbrauchsverbot und Zusammenschlusskontrolle, JURA 2015, 951-963
  • Dompke/Schulz, Grundzüge des Kartellrechts – Teil 1: Kartellverbot und Verfahren, JURA 2015, 822-834
  • Friehe/Schulz/Zimmer, Gutachten zur Revision des Schweizer Verjährungsrechts aus rechtsökonomischer Perspektive, Eine Regulierungsfolgenabschätzung, https://www.bj.admin.ch/dam/data/bj/wirtschaft/gesetzgebung/verjaehrungsfristen/gutachten-castle-d.pdf, 2013