Dr Laura Gellisch

Associate | Lawyer since 2022

Phone: +49 211 20052-440
Fax: +49 211 20052-100
Email: l.gellisch(at)glademichelwirtz.com

Evin Yükselen

V-Card Dr Laura Gellisch

Short Profile

Laura Gellisch is an associate at GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ in the COMPETITION practice. She advises German and international clients on issues relating to German and European competition law.

Laura Gellisch studied law at the University of Münster and passed her First Legal State Exam in 2016. During her legal clerkship, which she accomplished in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Hamm, she worked, among others, for the German Federal Cartel Office, a leading international law firm in Cologne and the German Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. In January 2019 she passed the Second Legal State Exam.

While working on her doctorate thesis, which was supervised by Prof Dr Torsten Körber, LL.M. (Berkeley), Laura Gellisch worked as a research assistant at the Chair for Civil Law, Competition and Regulatory Law, Law of the Digital Economy at the University of Cologne. Her doctorate thesis deals with a topic in the interface area between competition and regulatory law. In 2022, Laura Gellisch was awarded a Master’s degree in Business Law (LL.M.) by the University of Cologne.

Laura Gellisch is a native speaker of German and fluent in English. She is a member of the German Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht.

In her leisure time, Laura Gellisch likes to spend time with her family, friends and her dog, a Magyar Viszla called Wilma. In addition, she enjoys travelling and exercising.


Experience and Matters

Laura Gellisch has recently advised on the following matters:

  • Advising and representing domestic and foreign companies in the preparation and handling of merger control proceedings before the European Commission and the German Federal Cartel Office (inter alia in the consumer goods and automotive sectors), the structuring of transactions (inter alia in the telecommunications sector), as well as in matters of foreign direct investment control
  • Advice in antitrust proceedings of German antitrust authorities
  • Defence of cartel damage claims (e.g. in the cartel case "rail technology")
  • Compliance: Advice on distribution antitrust issues, the development and review of compliance structures (inter alia for an automotive supplier), and the design of B2C marketplaces


  • Gellisch in: Säcker/Körber, German Telecommunications Act (TKG) - German Telecommunications-Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG), sections 62, 63, 65, 66 TKG (4th ed.)
  • Gellisch, Ko-Investitionen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Investitionsförderung und Wettbewerbssicherung – Wettbewerbsrechtliche Beurteilung der Freistellungsregelung im Europäischen Kodex für die elektronische Kommunikation, Dissertation 2022
