GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ is a leading boutique law firm advising national and international clients in the areas of CORPORATE and COMPETITION, M&A, LITIGATION and COMPLIANCE.
As our clients are looking for solutions for complex issues with far-reaching implications, legal excellence is a matter of course for us. In order to live up to this claim, we employ first-tier specialists in compact, effective teams. This ensures a comprehensive penetration of the matter at hand and offers the client clear contact persons.
Our independence is indispensable for us. We aim to prevent our clear view of the issue at hand from being clouded. The focus is solely on the optimal work product and thus the interests of our clients.
From DAX corporations to mid-sized companies. From family-owned to listed companies. We work on client matters requiring trust and well-founded knowledge.
Since its foundation in 2007, GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ has established itself in the market with great success. Our attorneys advise in economically significant areas of law that require experience and specialist knowledge.
The focus of our CORPORATE practice is on general corporate law, capital markets law, M&A and public takeover law as well as restructuring and insolvency-related advice.
In the area of COMPETITION, we render advice – nationally and internationally – on merger control, in cartel investigations of the European Commission and the Federal Cartel Office, in contract design or the development of distribution systems and cooperations.
The areas LITIGATION and COMPLIANCE complement our CORPORATE and COMPETITION areas of advice.
Acting dynamically. Based at our office in Düsseldorf – globally networked for clients around the world. The matters we work on and the tasks entrusted to us entail the need to find global and country-specific solutions.
This is why we cooperate closely with partner law firms all over the world in the fields of CORPORATE and COMPETITION, M&A, LITIGATION and COMPLIANCE. The same also applies to fields of law that lie outside our area of core competence. Here, we cooperate with law firms that are leading in the respective fields of law.
We are constantly monitoring current and practice-relevant developments in our consulting areas Corporate, Competition, M&A, Litigation and Compliance. Our latest articles, publications and press releases as well as references to awards & rankings and press quotes can be found here.
Retsch/Müllmann, Schiedsverfahrensrecht soll modernisiert werden
(August 2024)
Möller/Willemsen, Wettbewerbsbeschränkendes Verhalten auf Arbeitsmärkten: New European Antitrust Frontier?
(Juni 2024)
Wirtz, Tätigkeitsbericht der BLE: Zunehmende Bedeutung des AgrarOLkG für unfaire Praktiken in der Lieferkette
(April 2024)
Möller/Morath, Foreign Subsidies Regulation – Q&A update by the European Commission
(April 2024)
Retsch/Pietsch, Update zu Art. 267 AEUV: Deutsche Gerichte Spitzenreiter der Rechtsprechungsstatistik
(April 2024)
Sustmann/Retsch/Land, Teurer Vergleich: Apple zahlt 490 Mio. Dollar an Kapitalanleger
(März 2024)
Karbaum/Wirtz/Schulz, One week of DMA compliance workshops – What has happened and what's next?
(März 2024)
Karbaum/Wirtz/Schulz, DMA entered into force, public and private enforcement to come
(März 2024)
Hermes/Liermann-Koch, Das Personengesellschaftsrecht nach Inkrafttreten des MoPeG und seine Auswirkungen auf bestehende Gesellschaften
(Februar 2024)
Merkner/Sustmann/Retsch/Müllmann, Ad-hoc-Praxis der DAX-Emittenten im Jahr 2023
(Januar 2024)
Möller/Busen, Leitlinien für Nachhaltigkeitsvereinbarungen in der Landwirtschaft – "Booster" für ein nachhaltigeres Lebensmittelsystem?
(Dezember 2023)
Möller/Busen, Wettbewerbsbeschränkendes Verhalten im Personalbereich – Are you aware of the risk?
(November 2023)
Wirtz/Gellisch, Inkrafttreten der 11. GWB-Novelle – Die wesentlichen Neuerungen
(November 2023)
Hermes/Liermann-Koch, Die actio pro socio bei Personengesellschaften nach dem MoPeG: § 715b BGB n.F.
(September 2023)
Hermes/Gerding, Digitalisierung des Gesellschaftsrechts durch das DiRUG und DiREG
(August 2023)
Glade/Secer, Subsidies Regulation – New challenges for M&A transactions
(June 2023)
Sustmann/Retsch/Müllmann, Malus- und Clawback-Regelungen in Vorstandsverträgen
(Juni 2023)
Markgraf/Adams/Liermann-Koch, Das Recht der fehlerhaften Gesellschafterbeschlüsse – Neuerungen durch das MoPeG
(Februar 2023)
Merkner/Sustmann/Retsch/Gerding, Ad-hoc-Praxis der DAX-Emittenten im Jahr 2022
(Januar 2023)
Wirtz, Das Verhältnis des Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetzes zum Kartellrecht
(Januar 2023)
Möller, Nachhaltigkeit und Wettbewerb – Mehr Rechtssicherheit für Nachhaltigkeitsvereinbarungen in der Landwirtschaft?
(Januar 2023)
Markgraf/von Lübken, Das SanInsKG ist da – Temporäre Anpassungen im Sanierungs- und Insolvenzrecht
(November 2022)
Möller/Karbaum/Schulz/Weise, Guide to the German Foreign Direct Investment Control Regime
(Oktober 2022)
Möller, Still hot – Neue Entwicklungen bei der kartellrechtlichen Beurteilung von Nachhaltigkeitsvereinbarungen auf europäischer und deutscher Ebene
(September 2022)
Schanze/Schulz, Ein Jahr nach der Altice-Entscheidung des EuG – Bedeutung für die M&A-Praxis
(September 2022)
Weise/Schulz, Harbinger of Things to Come – Takeaways from the German Way to Deal with Big Tech
(September 2022)
Retsch/Gerding, Zivilrechtliche Haftung wegen Kapitalanlagebetrugs (auch) bei Erwerb am Sekundärmarkt
(August 2022)
Markgraf/von Lübken, Update zur positiven Fortführungsprognose von Start-ups
(August 2022)
Merkner/Schulenburg/Elixmann, Das Regime der virtuellen Hauptversammlung ab der Hauptversammlungssaison 2023
(Juli 2022)
Möller/Schulz/Gellisch, New Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and Vertical Guidelines - Here to stay!
(Juni 2022)
Möller/Schulz/Gellisch, Neue Vertikal-GVO und Vertikal-Leitlinien – Gekommen um zu bleiben!
(Mai 2022)
Retsch/Gerding, "Out means Out": Die Behandlung britischer Kapitalgesellschaften nach Vollzug des Brexit
(März 2022)
Schulz/Weise, The Data Act – Sharing is Caring. Or Is It?
(März 2022)
Markgraf/Pipoh, Die "Schiedsfähigkeit" von Beschlussmängelstreitigkeiten
(Februar 2022)
Sustmann/Retsch/Bangel, Ausgewählte Aspekte der Stellungnahme der ESMA zum geplanten Listing Act der Europäischen Kommission
(Februar 2022)
Markgraf/Adams/Liermann-Koch, Das Gesetz zur Modernisierung des Personengesellschaftsrechts – ein erster Überblick
(Februar 2022)
Möller/Schulz/Weise, Update zum dualen Vertrieb – Kommission legt Bewertungskonzept zum Informationsaustausch vor
(Februar 2022)
Merkner/Schulenburg/Elixmann, Virtual Reality – Die virtuelle Hauptversammlung nach dem Referentenentwurf des Bundesjustizministeriums
(Februar 2022)
Möller/Schulz, Entwürfe der Vertikal-GVO und Vertikal-Leitlinien – Was erwartet uns? (Teil 3)
(Februar 2022)
Möller/Schulz, Entwürfe der Vertikal-GVO und Vertikal-Leitlinien – Was erwartet uns? (Teil 2)
(Januar 2022)
Möller/Schulz, Entwürfe der Vertikal-GVO und Vertikal-Leitlinien – Was erwartet uns? (Teil 1)
(Januar 2022)
Merkner/Sustmann/Retsch/Bangel, Ad-hoc Praxis der DAX-Emittenten im Jahr 2021
(Januar 2022)
Möller/Weise, Update Whistleblowing: Aktueller Stand der Umsetzung der EU-Hinweisgeberschutzrichtlinie
(Dezember 2021)
Möller/Weise, Dualer Vertrieb auf dem Prüfstand
(November 2021)
Markgraf/von Lübken, Zur positiven Fortführungsprognose von Start-ups
(November 2021)
Wirtz/Slotwinski-Michel/Möller Y., EuGH bestätigt: Wie die Mutter, so die Tochter!
(November 2021)
Merkner/Elixmann, (Un-)Möglichkeit von Aktientauschangeboten – Anmerkung zu OLG Frankfurt – BeckRS 2021, 2598
(April 2021)
Sustmann/Retsch, Leerverkaufsattacken – Hintergründe und Prävention
(April 2021)
Sustmann/Retsch, Sorgfaltspflichten in der Lieferkette – Gesetzliche Regelung noch in dieser Legislaturperiode beabsichtigt
(Februar 2021)
Möller, Der Green Deal im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kartellverbot und Verbrauchernutzen
(Februar 2021)
Merkner/Sustmann/Retsch, Ad-hoc-Praxis der DAX-Emittenten im Jahr 2020
(Januar 2021)
Möller/Weise, Amazon again: Das Kartellverbot als blinder Fleck des "Marketplace"-Falls der Europäischen Kommission
(Dezember 2020)
Wirtz, "Patentkriege 2.0" – Verletzungsklage von Nokia gegen Daimler vor dem EuGH
(Dezember 2020)
Merkner/Schulenburg, Videobotschaften von Aktionären im Rahmen der virtuellen Hauptversammlung
(November 2020)
Kleine-Lopp/Krauss, Update: Modernisierung des Personengesellschaftsrechts
(November 2020)
Sustmann/Merkner/Retsch, Referentenentwurf zur Stärkung der Finanzmarktintegrität
(November 2020)
Karbaum/Schulz, Immer wieder Amazon - Jetzt im Fokus: "Brandgating" - Schwellen für Einstweilige Verfügungen im zivilen Eilrechtsschutz
(November 2020)
Merkner/Sustmann/Retsch, Ausgewählte Aspekte des Abschlussberichts der ESMA zum MAR Review
(Oktober 2020)
Sustmann/Retsch, Konkurrierende Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahren
(August 2020)
Wirtz/Karbaum, Aktuelles zu vertikalen Zusammenschlüssen in der deutschen Fusionskontrolle
(Juli 2020)
Dompke/Ye, Anforderungen an die Veröffentlichung von Pressemitteilungen durch das Bundeskartellamt
(Juli 2020)
Markgraf/Kleine-Lopp, Gesetzentwurf zur Modernisierung des Personengesellschaftsrechts vorgelegt
(Mai 2020)
Wirtz/Karbaum, Q&As im Zusammenhang mit dem deutschen Kartellrecht (EN)
(Mai 2020)
Sustmann/Rücker, Update Verbandssanktionenrecht – Veröffentlichung des Referentenentwurfs
(Mai 2020)
Merkner/Sustmann, BaFin nimmt Anregungen aus der Praxis auf
(Mai 2020)
Wirtz, Kündigung von Lieferverträgen - Der Fall Prevent gegen VW
(April 2020)
Schulz/Dompke, "Otis" - Auf dem Weg zum unionsrechtlichen Schadensersatzanspruch?
(März 2020)
Sustmann/Rücker, Der Referentenentwurf für ein Verbandssanktionenrecht: 7 Thesen aus dem Blickwinkel des Gesellschaftsrechts
(Februar 2020)
Wirtz/Dompke, Kartellverbot und Gemeinschaftsunternehmen - Neues aus Österreich
(Februar 2020)
Merkner/Sustmann/Retsch, Auswertung der Ad-hoc-Mitteilungen von DAX-Unternehmen in 2019
(Januar 2020)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Kito Crosby on the acquisition of eepos GmbH
(August 2024)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises The Nutriment Company on the acquisition of PETMAN
(August 2024)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Textron Group on the acquisition of Amazilia Aerospace
(May 2024)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Mercedes-Benz Group AG on share buyback policy and further share buyback
(February 2024)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Vion Food Group on the sale of three locations
(January 2024)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises GEA on Say on Climate
(December 2023)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises INTERSPORT on the sale of Sport Voswinkel
(November 2023)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ honored with JUVE Award as "Law Firm of the Year for Corporate Law"
(October 2023)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Daimler Truck on share buyback program
(July 2023)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ has advised GEA on share buyback program
(January 2023)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ Appoints Counsel in its Competition Practice
(October 2022)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ Appoints Counsel in its Corporate Practice
(September 2022)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Daimler on spin-off of Daimler Truck
(Dezember 2021)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ promotes Dr Friedrich Schulenburg to its partnership
(December 2021)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises GEA on share buy-back program
(August 2021)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ promotes Dr Alexander Retsch to its partnership
(August 2021)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises ZF Friedrichshafen AG on the sale of ZF Luftfahrttechnik GmbH
(Juni 2021)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Mycronic AB on the acquisition of atg Luther & Maelzer
(May 2021)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Haniel on the acquisition of BauWatch from Nordian Capital
(February 2021)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ promotes Dr Jan Hermes as its first Salary Partner
(January 2021)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Deutsche Fonds Holding GmbH on the acquisition of Assetando Real Estate GmbH
(November 2020)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Haniel subsidiary ROVEMA on the acquisition of Hassia India
(July 2020)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Crosby Group on the acquisition of Feubo
(February 2020)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises C.H. Guenther & Son on the acquisition of Wback
(January 2019)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc on disposal of HygroMatik GmbH
(December 2018)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Haniel on reduction in the shareholding on METRO
(August 2018)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises United Internet on the formation of a joint affiliate network with Axel Springer
(August 2017)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ promotes third competition partner
(April 2017)
GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ advises Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc on the acquisition of Gestra from Flowserve Corporation
(April 2017)
"The flagship of the Düsseldorf unit is its expertise in complex corporate, capital and stock corporation law issues. GMW has several established partners in this field, in particular Sustmann and Merkner. (...) Another field in which the firm is gaining more and more stature is advising on the interface to critical issues such as compliance and litigation. topics such as compliance and litigation."
"The D'dorf firm is increasingly successful in increasing its involvement in M&A transactions."
"With high-caliber mandates in the area of corporate law, D'dorf confirms its claim to act on an equal footing with large law firms."
"Glade Michel Wirtz has impressively succeeded in continuously expanding its high-caliber client base. Today, it assists the who's who of the German corporate landscape. (...) Dr. Marco Sustmann and Dr. Andreas Merkner in particular are in demand as highly respected corporate, stock corporation and capital markets lawyers when it comes to the legal high wire."
JUVE Handbook 2023/2024
"Glade Michel Wirtz is very good at combining expertise and personalities into a cohesive team."
Chambers Europe, 2023
"More than almost any other law firm of its type, GMW is recognized for its high-stakes corporate and stock corporation law advice."
"The practice is regarded as a specialist for complex cooperation projects and disputes involving antitrust law, which often require its proven expertise in technology issues. The fact that this positioning is coherent and proves to be an advantage in view of the digitalization of the economy is demonstrated by well-known new clients and projects."
JUVE Handbuch 2022/2023
"Glade Michel Wirtz is very good at combining expertise and personalities into a cohesive team."
Chambers Europe, 2023
"GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ consistently punches above its weight to compete with the big national and international firms in the German antitrust market. Its three-partner team of Markus Wirtz, Silke Möller and Christian Karbaum – who all co-lead the practice – have stellar reputations and bring quality to the firm’s work."
Global Competition Review, 2022
"The GMW team is extremely competent, reliable, always available and extremely hard-working! Their knowledge of capital market law in particular, but also of corporate law, is exceptionally good! The clear language, a clear opinion and a clear point of view facilitate the discussion and lead to convincing solutions! There is no better law firm that I have come across in my more than 40 years of professional experience!"
The Legal 500, 2022
"GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ consistently punches above its weight to compete with the big national and international firms in the German antitrust market. Its three-partner team of Markus Wirtz, Silke Möller and Christian Karbaum – who all co-lead the practice – have stellar reputations and bring quality to the firm’s work."
Global Competition Review, 2022
"The Düsseldorf law firm is one of the most renowned units in the market when it comes to advising on corporate and antitrust law issues."
JUVE Handbook 2021/2022
"The Düsseldorf law firm's antitrust practice regularly stands out for the high quality of its work."
JUVE Handbook 2019/2020
"The antitrust practice has made a name for itself for tricky cases in uncharted legal territory."
JUVE Handbook 2018/2019
"Commentators identify the lawyers' "in-depth knowledge" as a key strength, describing them as "solutions-focused and very reliable". Another adds: "They commit themselves to the client completely."
Chambers Europe, 2018